Konjunktiv I / The Subjunctive I

Konjunktiv I / The Subjunctive I

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Konjuntiv I has to do with indirect speech, or when you are relating things that  other people have said.. Konjuntiv I is a formal style used in newspaper writing or  liturature to show indirect speech. It is rarely used in conversation. It is also used  for some fixed phrases.

in Konjunktiv only the third person singular form is used.  If we want to talk about other forms in the subjunctive, they use Konjunktiv II.   

Almost all German verbs form the unique third -person Subjunctive I form in the  same way, using the first -person (ich) form Sein is the only irregular verb in the  Konjunktiv I, It omits the first and third person singular -e:    The conjugation of haben for Konjuktiv I is regular. 




(Direct speech) Jasmin: Ich bin 19 Jahre alt.   

(Indirect Speech) Jasmin sagt, dass sie 19 Jahre alt sei. 

Jasmin says that she is 19 years old.   


(Direct speech) Karun : ich lerne Russisch   

(Indirect speech) Karun sagt, er dass er Russisch lerne.   

Karun said that he is learning Russian.   




Paul sagt, dass er ein Bild male (malen) 






  • Die Phrasen       Phrases   
  • Alles Gute zum Geburtstag    Happy Birthday!   
  • Aufpassen!    Look -out!   
  • Bist du fertig?    Are you finished?


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