Obst und Gemüse – Vegetables and fruits

Obst und Gemüse – Vegetables and fruits 

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Obst und Gemüse - Vegetables and fruits
Obst und Gemüse – Vegetables and fruits


The üblichsten (most common) fruits in Germany are:

der Apfel – apple
die Birne – pear
die Kirsche – cherry
die Banane – banana
die Ananas – pineapple
die Orange – orange
die Melone – melon
die Traube – grape

Bananas, pineapples, oranges and melons are mostly imported becauso of the climate. They won´t grow well in Germany whereas apples, pears and cherries are cultivated in a great amount here.

But there are also more exotic fruits like:

die Kiwi – kiwi
die Mango – mango
die Litschi – lichee
die Maracuja – passion fruit
die Feige – fig
die Grapefruit – grapefruit

Nüsse (nuts) are fruits as well in some way:

die Erdnuss – peanut
die Walnuss – walnut
die Kokosnuss – coconut
die Cashew-Kerne – cashew nut

When I thing of vegetables, there are numerous. But let´s start with the most used:

die Kartoffel – potato
die Karotte – carrot
die Tomate – tomato
die Gurke – cucumber
der Kürbis – pumpkin
das Radieschen – radish
die Erbse – pea
die Linse – lentil
der Brokkoli – brokkoli
der Blumenkohl – cauliflower
die Bohne – bean
der Lauch – leek

Spring and summer are coming back these days. So the first barbecues have already been celebrated. The following vegetables are perfect to barbecue:

die Paprika – sweet pepper
die Zucchini – green squash
die Aubergine –  eggplant

To make meals more tasty, we use the following vegetables:

die Zwiebel – onion
der Knoblauch – garlic
die Petersilie – parsley
die Chilli – chilli
der Meerrettich – horseradish
der Sellerie – celery

There are also various sorts of Salat (salad) and Pilze (mushrooms), but the names are quite special. So I guess you will succeed with these main words Salat and Pilze.


Other vocabulary used in this post:

das Gemüse – vegetable
die Frucht – fruit
der Vegetarier – vegetarian
üblich – common
anbauen – cultivate
der Salat – salad
der Pilz – mushroom

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